God wants to rescue you!
On sunday 25th at my church, mark Ritchie spoke for a few. He told of something God reminded him ...
"I remember as a boy we were on holiday in Italy with my family. My brother and I went out for a swim. Suddenly we started to struggle, the current was making it difficult for us to swim out of the water. Futher in, there was an elderly couple that was enjoying a swim. Suddenly people from shore started shouting for everyone to get out of the water. We tried so had and my brother kept disappearing under the water -I thought he was going to die. The elderly couple ignored the calls to begin with. We made it out but the couple was sucked in. The life savers waited on some rocks where the current was pushing the couple. As they were passing in full force the guards held out their hand. The man managed to get hold of one of the guards and was safely pulled out of the water. The lady only managed to touch the fingure-tips of one of the guards and she was sucked under. A few hours later her body was recovered... I remember when they put a towel over her body and I remember her being loaded onto an ambulance. This morning I feel God is holding out His hand to someone who has drifted away from Him. He wants to save you from 'drowning'. If you know thats you please pray and ask Him to save you!...
I hope this will speak to someone and you shall be blessed...
KBW lets honour God and lets recognise that He is real!
Wow!! This is really somthin! Ver touchin..Thank u for sharing with us
God really does exist n he is real!
Glad you loved it!
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